Sustainability at 145 King Street West means providing value to our stakeholders through continuous improvement in environmental performance, and enhanced engagement with the occupants and visitors.
Questions? Comments? Please send your inquiries and feedback to our sustainability team at [email protected].
Read our latest Sustainability Scorecard to learn more about our footprint and environmental performance.
The ecological or environmental footprint represents a valuable tool for 145 King Street West in measuring success and performance. 145 King Street West is committed to environmental excellence, aligned with daily operations and tenant engagement. The environmental sustainability program addresses the following areas, where continuous improvement is applied:
145 King Street West’s environmental performance is managed, tracked, and reported through four indicators: Energy, Water, Waste, and Greenhouse Gases (GHGs).
While reducing our direct and indirect environmental impact from building operations is fundamental to the management of 145 Kng Street West’s operations, we also recognize the importance of creating a positive impact for our tenants, various stakeholders, and broader community. We are striving to provide a professional community where individuals and organizations feel empowered and help us to go beyond ‘doing less harm’ and provide a meaningful, positive impact.
As part of our commitment to the 145 King Street West community, the Complex’s sustainability program includes wellness and healthy building initiatives and amenities. Specifically, our approach to wellness includes indoor environmental quality, healthy commuting infrastructure, enjoyment of outdoor spaces and a variety of fitness and wellness programming and events.
At 145 King Street West we understand our Complex exists within the larger community that includes the Financial District, the City of Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area. As part of being a socially responsible property management, we are proud to host and participate in events and campaigns that help support charitable organizations that lend a hand to those in need in our community.